Frequently asked questions

Questions about Support

1How can I be sure the money is used for the support of Ukraine?
We are approved by the Danish authorities which means that we are accountable for the authorities and that we have to follow certain rules as to publish how much we collect and how it is spent. It also means that we are required to get our accounts audited by a certified CPA in order to ensure that the money is used for their intention.

We are aware many scammers are using the situation to collect money for their own benefits, but also some are pretending to collect money for Ukraine, but actually are using the money to support the Russian army. Therefore it is very important that you are supporting through reliable sources.

We have therefore chosen to be as transperent as possible so you can feel safe when you support through us. Please follow us on social media, sign up to our newsletter and bookmark our website to see how we help
2Can I donate ekstra money?
Yes you can definitely donate extra money. When checking out you can add a amount of your choice to the payment. The full amount of your donation will be used for support of Ukraine.

We also have some support packages with fixed amounts that you can donate.

If you want to show your support you can ask for a certificate where you can show how much you have donated for Ukraine.
3Is there other ways I can support you?
First of all by share this site, and by like and share us on social media. You can also help us by marketing our products on your website or social media. Of course you can also do it the old fashioned by telling friends, family and colleagues about us
4Can I see what you support?"
Yes by visiting this page or follow us on social media you will be able to learn about each project we are supporting.
5Can I work with you?
Yes sure, just tell us what you have in mind in the contact form to the left, and we will return to you as soon as possible.

Questions about Shopping

1What's the delivery time for my orders?
The delivery time differ from product to product and where to the products are to delivered. A large part of our products are print on demand products and will be produced and shipped after we have received your order. Our goal is that all products are produced as close to our customers to cut down the delivery time, the enviromental impact and of course the delivery costs.

When it comes to products produced by Ukrainians they are typically shipped from us, and the delivery time and cost will depend on where in the world you are living.

We give an expected delivery time with each product so please check it and also check the delivery costs for the products you are interested in. We will do the best to ensure that you get the products as fast and as cheap as possible
2Can I buy a gift card?
Unfortunately no. We have decided that due to the legislation aorund digital giftcards, that it is too complicated to administrate when a part of the purchase is going to be donated.

Questions about Returns

1What if I regret the purchase or have complaints?
You have two week to regret a purchase. In that case please follow the instructions you can find here.

Please inspect your purchase as soon as you get it. If you have complaints please contact us as fast as possible. Please follow the instructions here

Other questions

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