How You Can Help Us to Support Ukraine
April 7, 2023The war in Ukraine has entered a phase where it unfortunately will continue for some time. This has put Ukraine in a very serious situation both when it come to defending itself against the Russian aggression, but also to keep its citizens safe, and to keep the economy running.
The idea with UkraineBoost ApS is to sell products and services in support of the Ukrainian army and the people in Ukraine and the country. Our goal is that at least 20% of every sale should go direct as support to the army, humanitarian help in Ukraine or to strengthen the Ukrainian society. But we will like to go at bit further. We would like to sell products made by Ukrainians and also in Ukraine in order to create a income for people in a country that is hit hard by war.
This will help in many ways. It helps the Ukrainian economy from collapsing in a country where the economic output fell by more than 30% in 2022. Because of the war many people has lost their income and jobs, so by buying products made by Ukrainians, do you help the country to grow and regain its freedom and strength.
But you also help people to bolster their confidence, as they can make products that not only help them to support themselves and but also allowing them to feel that they actually make a difference in helping Ukraine to win the war.
We will here and now mainly allocated the 20% to supporting Ukrainian soldiers and the Ukrainian army as the most urgent task right now is to push the Russian army out of Ukraine, but there is also a huge need in the humanitarian area.
Later we will priorities the humanitarian aid, as there will be a huge need to rebuild all that has been destroyed. Not just physically but also emotionally. Just to help all those kids who have lived in a war zone will require a huge effort.
Another area that will require strong support is the rebuilding of all that has been destroyed during the war: residential buildings, commercial buildings, public buildings, infrastructure, hospitals, schools, universities, historical buildings, and the list goes on and on.
So it is evident that there will a huge need for support but in the short term and the long term. We therefore hope you will join us and help to make a difference while you show your support for Ukraine.